
8 2025

Beth Abraham- Rabbinical Student -Weekend Lunch and Learn

12:30PM - 2:00PM  

Temple Beth Abraham 4 Raymond Street
Nashua, NH 03064

Contact Rebecca White

We welcome Ariel Ya’akov Dunat, senior rabbinical student, as our student ambassador from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. JTS is a rabbinic training institution as well as a center for academic Jewish scholarship and other Jewish professional programs.

Ariel will lead part of services and share words of Torah in the morning. They will lead a Lunch and Learn over Shabbat lunch: Trans Halakhah- How Queer Theory and the Transgender Experience Are Revolutionizing Jewish Law

Please join us as we learn about one recent legal responsum of the Trans Halakha Project and how this work is having unexpected effects in the wider Jewish community. This teshuvah (legal opinion) explores the question of conversion and circumcision for transgender Jews.

Open to all and free to attend!

Please register for the lunch so we know how many to plan for.

Other Weekend Events:
2/8 12:30-2:00 pm: Lunch and Learn With Ariel Ya’akov Dunat- Trans Halakhah- How Queer Theory and the Transgender Experience Are Revolutionizing Jewish Law
2/8 4:45-6:00 pm: Mincha Afternoon Service and Seudah Shlishit Snack
2/8 6:00-6:15 pm: Evening Minyan and Havdalah
2/9 9:30-10:30am: Study Session With Ariel Ya’akov Dunat - Shechitah From the Torah to Today

Sponsor: Temple Beth Abraham, Jewish Theological Seminary