
11 2024

ETZ HAYIM SYNAGOGUE Hosts Shavuot Service

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Etz Hayim Synagogue 1-1/2 Hood Road
Derry, NH 03038
6034320004 office@etzhayim.org

Contact Etz Hayim Office

A Verry Dairy Derry Shavuot
This cheesy flyer is your invitation to a joyful festival service and surprising program, where we attempt to answer the 4 Questions of Shavuot:
? Why on this night do we bite into Dairy Delights?
? How are Hood Road, Hood School, the Hoodcroft Golf Course & Shavuot related?
? What milky recipes convinced Ruth to follow Naomi, leading her to Boaz, years of wedded bliss, and to becoming King David’s Great-Grandmother?
? How would the 10 commoondments change if you added a dairy related word to each one?

What better way to celebrate the giving of the Torah? RSVP for this FREE event to 603-432-0004 or office@etzhayim.org.

Sponsor: Laurie Medrek