
22 2023

Reflected Light Writing Workshop

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Heather K Tomlinson Temple Israel, 200 State Street
200 State Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Contact Heather Tomlinson

"Your Grandmother, Mother, and You." Temple Israel, Portsmouth congregant and published author Sandell Morse will lead a creative writing group, exploring our maternal inheritance through writing. Please join us for two Sunday morning sessions, on January 22 and January 29.

Sandell is the author of The Spiral Shell. The Spiral Shell is a double journey, one outward in which Sandell uncovers long-silenced stories of courage and resistance in a village in southwest France, and one inward as she unexpectedly finds herself on a journey back to her own Jewish identity.

Register for the workshop via the Temple Israel website calendar: https://templeisraelnh.shulcloud.com/event/reflected-light-your-grandmother-mother-and-you.html

Sponsor: Temple Israel Portsmouth