
5 2023

Stories for the Sake of Argument Workshop

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Temple Israel 200 State Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Contact Heather Tomlinson

$ Cost $ 10.00

Sadly, many synagogues avoid conversations about Israel because the discussions become too contentious. The authors of the book Stories for the Sake of Argument are Israeli educators who believe that we need to have more arguments, not fewer, but need the tools to talk with people with whom we disagree.

This workshop sponsored by the Israel Affairs Committee will be held in the Social Hall where we will Zoom with a workshop leader in Israel. While the workshop is specifically geared to discussions about Israel, attendees will learn tools to help with any discussion with others whose viewpoints differ.

Workshop charge of $10 will include a book. Please register by October 2,

Sponsor: Temple Israel Cultural Endowment Fund