Minyan at Lincoln, NH Loon Mountain

Days Inn - Clermont Room
557 US-3
Lincoln, NH 03251

Rabbi Levi Krinsky
P: (603) 647-0204

Seasonal (Summer) Minyan sponsored by Chabad of New Hampshire

Minyan Fees: There is a required Fee of $54 per family
The minyan is sponsored by Chabad of New Hampshire. The required fee of $54 per family covers the cost of the rental of the shul. Please make checks payable to Chabad of New Hampshire. There is a place to leave checks in the minyan room.

Where exactly is the minyan?
The minyan meets during the week only (not Shabbos) in a space rented for the summer at Days Inn, 557 US-3, Lincoln, NH 03251 in the Clermont Room.

Shabbat Minyanim are held in people's homes throughout Lincoln, ie; The Village of Loon, Forest Ridge etc. depending on the week and where people are staying. Please email lincolnminyan@gmail.com to confirm where Shabbat minyan is the week you are coming. This site will be updated with weekly Shabbos minyan location as it becomes known. 
What time is davening?
There is no set time for davening. Davening times are based on consensus.  During some weeks there may be multiple minyanim at different times.