Rabbi: Rabbi Robin Nafshi
President: Beth Sloat
School Director: Noreen Leibson
Temple Beth Jacob in New Hampshire's capital city of Concord, is a welcoming community of individuals and families who represent a wide range of Jewish experience, commitment, and observance. Our practices respect the values of worship, loving kindness, education, and social action.
TBJ celebrates diversity through the ideals of Reform Judaism. We are one of the oldest synagogues in New Hampshire, founded in 1907. Begun as an Orthodox community, we affiliated with the Reform movement just after World War II. As Concord’s only synagogue, we are an eclectic blend of Jewish worship practices, as our members represent the full spectrum of Jewish diversity. Our ancestors Abraham and Sarah we renowned for their tent – a tent open on all sides. It was by welcoming all who came to them that their faith and family grew. And so it is at TBJ. At our heart are warmth and a welcoming spirit to all who enter our doors. Whether you are Jewish by birth or by choice, married/partnered with someone who is Jewish, raising Jewish children, searching, or just curious, know that you are always welcome at TBJ. We hope you’ll find a home with us as we strive to engage with Torah and the legacy of Jewish learning so that our ancient traditions resonate in our lives and in our world today.