The Foundation of the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire is the planned giving and endowment development department of the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire. Differing from the latter, which allocates all the money raised in the annual CJA Annual Campaign, the Foundation invests principal and distributes a portion of its earnings to support new or existing agencies and programs, meet unforeseen needs and emergencies that may arise in the Jewish community or, in accordance with donors' wishes, make distributions to specific non-profit organizations.
The purpose of the Foundation is to serve as the fiduciary of the Jewish community's endowment funds. The Board of Trustees, which is guided by an investment consultant, meets regularly and monitors performance. The Foundation adheres to a spending policy to ensure that the economic value of the funds is maintained throughout the year.
Message from the Chair:
"The Jewish Foundation was established to raise endowment funds to ensure the future vitality of the Jewish community. It serves as the planned giving and endowment development department of the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire. It was envisioned to help potential donors plan permanent gifts that reflect the donor's philanthropic interests, serve as an estate planning tool and reduce both income and estate taxes while serving as the reserve fund to ensure the vitality and never ending progression of Jewish life here and abroad for future generations. On a day-to-day basis, endowment income is used to make grants to community agencies for special studies, new programs or specific programs."
A special type of restricted fund is the Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund or PACE, which continues the donor's commitment to the CJA Federation Campaign when he or she is no longer alive. Donors have established PACE gifts using life insurance, zero coupon bonds and bequests. While the PACE fund is established when the donor is alive, monies are transferred annually from the Foundation to the CJA Annual Campaign upon the donor's death. Donors of PACE gifts are helping to preserve the organizations and institutions of the Jewish community forever.
Current Funds:
Designated Funds allow the donor to direct the income to a specific agency, program, or area of interest. These funds provide for automatic distributions. For a full list of our current designated funds see here.
General Trust Funds include all Named Funds without restrictions and any other non-designated funds.
For a full list of our current General Trust Funds please see here.
Managed Trust Funds are established for the support of specific programs within the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire.
The most common endowment gift is a bequest, which is a contribution made through a will or trust in which the transfer of funds does not occur until after the benefactor dies. The donor enjoys the asset during his or her lifetime, and at death the bequest is used to create a named endowment fund according to the instructions of the donor in the will or trust document. The estate receives a federal estate tax deduction for the gift.
Unrestricted endowment funds provide the monies for grants to institutions for new programs and services. They also serve as a reserve fund for emergency needs of the community. Unrestricted funds can be established to create a living testimonial in a person's name or memory. The minimum gift to create an unrestricted endowment fund is $5,000.
Restricted endowment funds are established by donors who want to support a specific need, program or agency in the New Hampshire Jewish community or abroad. The Jewish Foundation will administer these funds in perpetuity making sure that they are used as donors intend. The minimum gift to establish a named, restricted fund is $5,000.
Jewish Federation of New Hampshire is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
Your gift today is tax deductible.