The Shlichut Program

Shlichut is an outreach program by The Jewish Agency for Israel that brings shlichim (cultural emissaries) from Israel to live and work in the United States. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire partners with the Jewish Agency to bring one of these young adults from Israel to live and work with us here in New Hampshire. The shaliach works on behalf of the Federation, as well as with synagogues, preschools, religious schools, youth groups and other organizations, to create and promote Israel-related activities in the area.


Between the years 2005-2013, JFNH brought a shaliach to New Hampshire. They travelled across the entire state educating us, enriching our lives, and sharing their lives with us. This program was rekindled in 2017 with the arrival of Noam Wolf, followed by Avia Sagron and Ra'anan de Haas. Our most recent Shaliach, Guy Ben David, arrived in August 2023.

Welcome to Our Shaliach!

Guy Ben David

Guy Ben David is a 26-year-old from Jerusalem, Israel. In August 2023 he was appointed by the Jewish Agency of Israel for a two-year term as "Shaliach" (Israeli Emissary) for the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire. 

Guy served as an Apache aircraft electrical engineer team leader in the Israeli Air Force.

For the past five years, Guy worked as an IT technician at the Israeli Ministry of Justice and as a music producer for the Jewish Agency’s band.

Guy’s goal is to connect Jewish people from all over the world to each other and to Israel through music, stories and programs that include Israeli methods.

Upcoming Events with Guy

  • Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra'anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel 

    Ra'anan will cover everything from politics and the war with Hamas to Euro Vision to the Olympics. Occasionally...
  • Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra'anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel 

    Ra'anan will cover everything from politics and the war with Hamas to Euro Vision to the Olympics. Occasionally...
  • Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra'anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel 

    Ra'anan will cover everything from politics and the war with Hamas to Euro Vision to the Olympics. Occasionally...
  • Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra'anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel 

    Ra'anan will cover everything from politics and the war with Hamas to Euro Vision to the Olympics. Occasionally...
  • Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra'anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel 

    Ra'anan will cover everything from politics and the war with Hamas to Euro Vision to the Olympics. Occasionally...

Former Shlichim