Published by The Jewish Federation of New Hampshire. The Reporter is overseen by the JFNH Publications Committee.
The objectives of The Reporter are to foster a sense of community among the Jewish people of New Hampshire by sharing ideas, information, experiences and opinions, and to promote the agencies, projects, and mission of the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire.
The Reporter is provided free of charge to every known Jewish household in the state of New Hampshire. It is published monthly ten times per year, with combined issues in December/January and May/June.
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Events for the Calendar
Submit an event to be listed in the Reporter by following these submission instructions.
Letters and Articles
Submit articles and letters to the editor to Nicholas Conley at
The deadline for submissions is the 10th of the month prior to publication unless otherwise specified on the rate sheet.
All materials published in The Reporter are ©2023 Jewish Federation of New Hampshire, all rights reserved, unless noted otherwise.
2023-2024 Display Ad Contract
2022-2023 Professional Directory Ad Rates
For more information, please contact our Advertising Representative:
Michelle Harrison 910-922-3910,
Advertising Rates for Temples and non-profit organizations
Temples and Jewish non-profit organizations qualify for discounted rates. Please contact JFNH at
(603) 627-7679 or for more information
To subscribe, please send your name and address with "Reporter Subscription" in the subject to: or 603-627-7679.