Click the video to view the replay of our Virtual Vigil & Community Kaddish on October 30th.
A Letter to Our Community....
October 28, 2018
Our hearts are heavy following yesterday’s tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Eleven people are dead, 6 injured, and many more lives impacted by the worst violent act of antisemitism in our country’s history. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the Tree of Life Synagogue and the Jewish community of Pittsburgh during this difficult time.
Every Saturday morning, Jews all over the world attend Shabbat services where we pray and celebrate simchas. This weekend’s unthinkable tragedy during the celebration of a baby naming shattered our sense of security, leaving us all grasping for reasons, in which there are none. As Jews, we must continue to stand strong, and take pride in our traditions, in our communities, and in our faith. We must come together and remain vigilant about safety and security during these turbulent times.
The Jewish Federation of New Hampshire will be in touch with the Pittsburgh Jewish community and the Jewish Federations of North America in the coming days to determine how we can be of assistance to the victims and their families. We will also work closely with Jewish organizations throughout New Hampshire to ensure that we are doing everything possible to secure our own institutions. As many of you know, JFNH organized a special security training in 2017, providing free access to resources, best practices, and expertise to provide timely training to synagogue personnel and lay leaders across New Hampshire. We have been in touch with our local FBI and state police partners with the hopes of offering additional training to ensure that New Hampshire's Jewish organizations feel prepared in these challenging and vulnerable times.
Jews in New Hampshire are standing strong in solidarity with Pittsburgh as we mourn this terrible loss. We send our deepest condolences to the Tree of Life community. We pray for their strength to heal and we pray for peace. May the memory of the lost be for a blessing.
With deep sadness,
Melanie McDonald, Executive Director
Mindee Greenberg, Chair
Jewish Federation of New Hampshire