
20 2021

A Glimpse into Jewish Identity in Israel

7:00PM - 8:30PM  



For several thousand years, Jews have had a strong connection to the Land of Israel.  During the past one hundred forty years, Jews whose families have lived in Jerusalem for centuries have been joined by Holocaust survivors from Poland, refugees from Iraq and Ethiopia, and professionals from Russia and the United States.  Some of these immigrants to Israel have come for religious reasons.  Others came to escape from discrimination and even extermination.  Still others came to take part in egalitarian experiments like the kibbutz.    This return of Jews from the Diaspora has helped to create newer forms of Jewish identity.

If you would like to explore the formation of a distinctive Jewish identity in Israel, please join us for two Zoom-based discussions of “A Glimpse into Israeli Jewish Identity.” 

The discussions will take place on a pair of Tuesday evenings, April 20 and May 11, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.  These events are sponsored by the Spotlight on Israel series of the Federation’s Israel Engagement and Education Committee and are free of charge.  Several Israeli short stories, memoir passages and biographical sketches will be distributed to participants by email before each session.  Feel free to participate in either or both of the sessions.  To register for the readings and Zoom link, please email info@jewishnh.org

If you have questions about “A Glimpse into Israeli Jewish Identity,” please contact Helena England helena.england@gmail.com.