
10 2020

A priest and a rabbi zoomed into a bar

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

steve soreff 32 dolloff dam rd
nottingham, NH 03290

Contact steve soreff

December 10 Thursday 7 PM A priest and a rabbi zoomed into a bar Presented by Reverend Ray Bonin and Rabbi Peter Levy Reverend Bonin and Rabbi Levy will discuss their +faiths' relationships to the rest of the world in the past and in the present. And what each faith offers as you will prepare for and understand the future. Reverend Ray Bonin is the priest at the Church of the Transfiguration, in Derry and Rabbi Peter Levy is the Rabbi at Etz Hayim Synagogue in Derry. The church and the synagogue share an interfaith campus. On Tuesday mornings the two offer teaching programs: Rabbi Levy leads a discussion on the Talmud and then Reverend Bonin leads a discussion on the Gospel.

Sponsor: This program is part Etz Hayim Synagogue’s Adult Continuing Education Program, Hot Topics and Cool Contemporary Stuff