
29 2020

Temple Beth Abraham Congregational Trip to Israel Introductory Meeting

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Temple Beth Abraham 4 Raymond Street
Nashua, NH 03064
603-883-8184 office@tbanashua.org

Contact Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett

Come and talk about goals of a trip to Israel sometime in winter 2020-spring 2021 for about 12-14 days, including two Shabbatot. We’ll look at a sample itinerary and you can ask any questions and share any ideas.

Ideally, such a trip would be good for people who have never been to Israel as well as those who have even many times.

Rabbi Jon’s goals for a community Israel trip:
- Building deeper relationships among people who go
- Experiencing Shabbat in distinctly Israeli ways, in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
- Giving a solid overview of the history and geography of the land and its people, from the Bible until today
- Learning some Jewish texts and prayers in the locations where they were created
- Connecting individuals and our community with inspiring Zionist idealists whose projects and organizations we could continue to work with back home
- Helping us better understand the conflict with the Palestinians
- Connecting us with members of Beth Abraham families who live in Israel
- Helping each of us articulate our role and relationship toward Israel as American Jews

To sign up for more information if you are interested, please go here: https://www.tbanashua.org/event/congregational-trip-to-israel-introductory-meeting.html