"G-d created people in G-d's own image. And we, being polite, returned the favor." - Henri Rousseau
What better way to celebrate Moses's Mt. Sinai experience with G-d, than by delving into and crating your personal beliefs about G-d. Using the G-d Shopping program formulated b Rabbis Bill Dreskin and Mark Shapiro, and Cantor Ellen Dreskin, we will explore a variety of Jewish takes on G-d. Then, walking through a Theology Mall, we'll pick up a few ideas from each theologian (or not) to put together a list of characteristics we ascribe to G-d (or not).
What's that you say? You don't believe in G_d? Do you believe in shopping? Come to Etz Hayim Synagogue of Derry to discover a higher power you could believe in (or not) or at least, return the favor.
Sponsor: Etz Hayim Synagogue