Dr Yehezkel Landau, reknowned scholar and peace builder, is coming to Temple Beth Abraham September 4th at 8 pm.
A duel Israel-American citizen, Dr. Landau, is an interfaith educator, leadership trainer, author, and consultant working for over 35 years to promote Jewish-Christian-Muslim engagement and Israeli-Palestinian peace building. He will speak about the the organizations he has helped found, as well as the books he has authored and co-edited.
He lectures internationally on interfaith relations and Middle East peace issues, based on his past accomplishments. While living in Israel he directed the Oz Veshalom-Netivot religious peace movement during the 1980’s. From 1991 to 2003 he co-founded and co-directed the Open House Center for Jewish-Arab Coexistence and Reconciliation in Ramle. Now at Harford Seminary he directs an interfaith training program for Jews, Christians, and Muslims called “Building Abrahamic Partnerships”.
He is the author of Healing the Holy Land: Interreligious Peacebuilding in Israel/Palestine and co-editor of Voices from Jerusalem: Jews and Christians Reflect on the Holy Land.
Dr. Landau is a Senior Associate of Merrimack College’s Center for the Study of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations, and Faculty Associate in Interfaith Relations at Hartford Seminary. He earned his A.B. from Harvard University (1971) and an M.T.S. from Harvard Divinity School (1976).
Everyone is welcome to attend this fascinating event and participate in the first event to mark the tenth year of BABKA (Temple Beth Abraham Book Klub Association).