Sasha Soreff combines emotion and movement to interpret the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity, creating a fun, interactive space for congregants/parishioners to engage with spiritual texts and themes with movement-based story-telling. Sasha lives in New York City and is a Certified Resonant Healing Practitioner, choreographer, and dance teacher. The Interfaith exploration of connecting to the Divine has 3 components:
Part 2: Saturday, May 20, 2023, 1:00 to 2:30 PM at Etz Hayim Synagogue, 1 ½ Hood Road, Derry, NH. Sasha will lead an experiential workshop inviting participants into a journey of creative expression, embodying a connection with sacred texts. People of all ages and abilities can participate as all movements are optional and can be done either seated or standing. The themes of the afternoon workshop are inspired by the liturgical texts of the week.
Sponsor: Etz Hayim Synagogue’s Adult Continuing Education Program