
26 2020

“Jews on Broadway”

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Etz Hayim Synagogue 1 ½ Hood Road,
1 1/2 Hood Road
Derry, NH 03038


Contact Stephen Soreff, MD
603 895-6120

David Hirsch presents how everybody knows that most of the great Broadway songwriters were Jewish. But what, if anything, was Jewish about their words and music? Learn about the “Jewish Scale,” ambivalence in song, anglicization, and the curious quasi-Jewishness of Cole Porter in this investigation of our people’s greatest contribution to American music.David Hirsch has played bass in klezmer bands and the Portsmouth Symphony, sung Yiddish song recitals, acted in semi-pro musical theater, and presented variants of this lecture from the Seacoast to Seattle. In real life, he is a lawyer.

Sponsor: Etz Hayim Synagogue’s Continuing Education Program