
19 2022

Saturday Night Live from Shushan

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Zoom only
603 432-0004

Contact Bruce Wechsler
603 867-2144

On Saturday night (Motza’ei Shabbat), March 19 at 7 PM The Not Quite Ready for Prime Time Etz Hayim Players present Motaz’ei Shabbat Live from Shushan, Persia. In Person and via Zoom.
We’ll meet the Purim casts of characters (give or take one or two) as they gather for their 15th year reunion, where they catch us up on what they’ve been up to since last we saw them. Post- pleasantries, the moderator pummels them with probing questions, leading to profound responses regarding the provocative choice they made earlier in the Megillah.
The cast includes but not limited to the following: Queen Vashti, King Ahasuerus, Esther, Mordechai, G-d, two palace guards, the king’s unmentionable advisor, and a horse. It is being written and produced by The Best of Derry’s Broadway team of Amy Dattner-Levy and Steve Soreff, who accept neither culpability or liability Then, the cast will discuss their roles in sequence the Purim story as told in the Megillah.. Audience participation via Zoom is part of the production. To get the Zoom link, please contact the Etz Hayim Synagogue office
Masks of the fun and festive kind greatly encouraged, as are costumes. Desserts on you…figuratively speaking, of course.

Sponsor: Etz Hayim Synagogue