
26 2023

Supporting the Bereaved: Jewish Funeral and Mourning Practices

11:00AM - 12:30PM  

Temple Israel 200 State Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Contact Heather Tomlinson

Please join Temple Israel, Portsmouth, to explore the many rituals and traditions concerning the Jewish funeral and our mourning practices. Study of foundational texts and underlying spiritual principles will broaden our understanding of how and why our traditions have developed. Gain clarity on what to expect when a loved one dies and how you will be supported by clergy, the funeral home, and your synagogue community.

This session is a follow-up to “Supporting the Soul, A Chevra Kadisha Workshop,” presented on December 8, 2022. A Zoom recording of that program is available and may be requested from the temple office.

This workshop will be led by Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman in the Social Hall or via Zoom (Zoom link is included with registration confirmation email). All are welcome. Register via the website calendar: https://templeisraelnh.shulcloud.com/event/supporting-the-bereaved-workshop.html

Sponsor: Temple Israel Portsmouth