Becky Field will talk about her book Finding Home: Portraits and Memories on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at Etz Hayim Synagogue. She will be joined by a New Hampshire immigrant, who will describe the coming-to-America experience. Her book, Finding Home is a celebration of people from other countries who have resettled in New Hampshire, a state known for low cultural diversity. Photographer Becky Field has been documenting cultural diversity in the state since 2012. Now, in addition to their portraits, she met with 40 immigrants to record and transcribe their memories of life in their home countries and their journeys to find a new life in the Granite State. Some came to escape violence; some came for love; some came for education. Some are teenagers with a lot of life ahead of them; some are elders with long memories of their journeys. The stories show the resilience and determination of people to find a safe home, good education for their children, work to support their families, and freedom to practice their faith. Her first book was Different Roots, Common Dreams: New Hampshire’s Cultural Diversity and she spoke about it at Etz Hayim in February 2019.
Sponsor: Etz Hayim Synagogue’s Adult Continuing Education Program