
16 2023

Yom Hashoah Program at Etz Hayim

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Etz Hayim Synagogue 1 1/2 Hood Rd
Derry, NH 03038
603 432-0004 office@etzhayim.org

Contact Bruce Wechsler
603 432-0004

Milt Zweig will be leading a presentation on the impact of the Holocaust on his family and delve into aspects of history, antisemitism, the Holocaust and genealogy. Milt, a member of Etz Hayim, will also display some artifacts and photographs not previously seen. Adults and children over age 12 are welcome. The program will be on Sunday, April 16 starting at 7PM at Etz Hayim Synagogue, 1 1/2 Hood Rd, Derry. You may email office@etzhayim.org for an optional Zoom link.

Sponsor: Etz hayim Synagogue